Article archive

A Palace beside the River

18/11/2016 17:27
When the King of Siam Phrabat Somdet Phra, also known as Rama I the Great, decided to move the kingdom capital from Thonburi to neighbour Krung Thep must have thought in a place which don’t lack of any of the charms the King Sun got at Versailles. He built beside the Chao Phraya River Bangkok’s...

Cotentin, West of Normandy

01/11/2016 11:26
At bird's eye view, would seem a huge breakwater, and there’s something about this. Contains Atlantic waters fury before becoming the marine currents that runs throughout the Channel. It is an extension of the Armorican Massif and has seen since the Roman legions to American paratroopers. Flavius...

The Valley of the Kings

14/10/2016 17:40
The ancient Egyptians called Ta-sekhet-ma'at, the Great Field, to the valley the sun burns under Meretseger, the Hill which loves the silence. The silence that for centuries has accompanied hundreds of outstanding graves excavated in the rock, hidden beneath the sands of the Valley of the...

Mediterranean Alphabets

30/09/2016 11:12
Four thousand years before our era one of the earliest known writing systems begun to be developed in Egypt. To hieroglyphic followed simplified alphabets and in a neighbouring world, the Phoenician, its writing subsequently lead to the most widespread alphabets in the Mediterranean area: Greek and...

E la Nave Va

12/09/2016 19:29
Venice historic centre urban grid has a well known peculiar features, common streets mixed with canals and waterways requiring to use marine navigation even for the most common public transport. Here, instead bus, they call it vaporetto. The ship approaches and seems ramming the floating dock that...

Van Gogh in Arles

01/09/2016 10:40
Dutch painter's relationship with Arles was peculiar and productive. Essentially productive. Only in the period he spent in Arles concluded about three hundred canvases, sketches and drawings. It was the most prolific and highest quality in his short career. In Provence he sought light and he found...

Tarifa, in the Year of Landing

11/08/2016 17:58
Al-Walid ibn Abd al-Malik, sixth Umayyad caliph, was playing with his son in the large room, next to an ablutions pond in his Damascus palace when two messengers simultaneously brought him news from the bounds of his kingdom. The first announced the conquest of Transoxiana, in Central Asia, the...

Tariq's Mountain

29/07/2016 09:03
Berber Tariq ibn Ziyat al Layti, under the Yemeni commandment of General Musa Ibn Nusair, could not even imagine that at the point where the waters narrow, where the first Arab troops crossed in the conquest of a new world that would call Al Andalus, more than a millennium later would appear...

The Gates of Hell

16/06/2016 18:09
In early twentieth century the controversial Irish author George Bernard Shaw spent a few days around Tikitere, near Rotorua and the namesake lake. Like his character Pygmalion, transforming Eliza Doolittle, Shaw transformed the place renaming it. After his visit Tikitere became Hell's Gate....

Baron Taylor's Litographs

03/06/2016 09:10
For nearly sixty years Baron Taylor led a large team of writers, artists and engravers who produced a vast inventory of historical and monumental French heritage published in twenty four volumes. Isidore Justin Severin Taylor, born in Brussels in August 1789 and Baron since he was named as such by...
Items: 101 - 110 of 261
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