Article archive

Turkish Miniatures

16/07/2015 10:59
Five fishermen dressed in multicoloured robes and turbans gather their fishnets near the shore. It must be spring. Beside cypresses grow violets, daisies and lilies. Fishing has been abundant and soon seagulls will appear trying to catch their share of the booty. On a similar vegetation, next to a...

Rias Baixas

02/07/2015 11:33
They say God created the universe in seven days. They say on the seventh He rested. They also say that going to rest lean his hand on Earth, in Galicia, where they said He left the imprint of his fingers deeply marked. That piece of land is Rias Baixas, the footprint is the sea going deep inland,...

Seoul Palaces

11/06/2015 19:55
A sitting tiger smokes a long pipe parsimoniously. He looks at me as if I had always been there. Two herons take flight towards the sunset through the clouds. Maybe are the clouds of smoke exhaled by the tiger. No wonder who they are or what are they doing in my dream. Awake in Namsan-Dong hotel....

London's Little Venice

02/06/2015 10:58
South of London's Maida Vale stretches a residential area bathed by the waters of a canal. For the visitor it is a nice walk that leads through houseboats, the large green area of Regent's Park and the Zoo up to Camden Lock, or all the way round. Actually is more reminiscent to Amsterdam waterways,...

Sheparad's Pearl

18/05/2015 17:11
Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula had strong support in the Jewish community who believed that it would be better treated then under Visigoth rule. It was not always so, though they lived a golden age at the time of the Caliphate. Upon arrival of the Almoravid dynasties and Almohad Caliphate...

Santorini, on the Volcano

03/05/2015 17:36
Formerly Thera, or Santorini how the Venetians called it, was known before as Kallisté, the most beautiful, or Strongylé, the round one, thus was its perimeter. But this condition would change after the great eruption 1600 years before our era hit the isle and for some would explain the myth of...

On the South Seas

19/04/2015 11:53
Some years ago, and begin to be many, in the sixties and early seventies, Editorial Bruguera published a couple of collections of adventures. Hardcover books interspersed with the text an illustrated version of the novel. In the spine four or five vignettes with main characters portraits. I think...

Cancale Oysters

30/03/2015 17:16
- Madame! Une douzaine des sauvages, s'il vous plait! With the skill provided by boredom and the constant repetition of the same movements, the lady at the counter wields the short-handled knife with protection and a blunt edge. With an automatic gesture, almost involuntary, looking to separate the...

Visions of Galle

09/03/2015 17:29
Galle is Sri Lanka fourth largest city and, until it was overtaken by Colombo in the nineteenth century, was the most important port in the country. It turned dramatically affected by Boxing Day 2004 tsunami, with the exception of its fortified, walled old town, placed on a small peninsula that...

The Free City of Augsburg

23/02/2015 19:27
Its name betrays its Roman origin; it was Augusta Vindelicorum in the Rhaetia province founded in the year 15 of our era by Drusus and Tiberius by Emperor Augustus order.  It was free imperial city linked to the Holy Roman Empire for five hundred years. It is the third oldest city in modern...
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