Article archive

The Ghetto

22/12/2012 11:01
Near Guglie bridge, and besides fondamenta della Pescheria, there’s a small porch that easily goes unnoticed. A small yellow plate in the manner of those pointing the direction to San Marco or the Academy, indicates the entrance to Venice Jewish quarter. Just crossed the bleak threshold, on the...

The Celts, The Angel At the Window of the Orient

21/12/2012 22:18
The Celts, The Angel At the Window of the Orient, 1917; San Francesco dil Deserto, Venecia 2008  The Celts, The Angel At the Window of the Orient, 1917; Casino degli Spiriti, Venecia 2009  The Celts, The Angel At the Window of the Orient, 1917;  Malamocco,...

From Ethiopia to Hong Kong

21/12/2012 19:51
The Ethiopian, In the Name of Allah the Merciful,Yemen, 1918; Tassili N'Aggahar, Argelia, 1991 The Ethiopian, In the Name of Allah the Merciful,Yemen, 1918; Gizeh, Egypt, 2008 The Ethiopian, In the Name of Allah the Merciful,Yemen, 1918; Between Riad...

From Gizeh to the Andes

21/12/2012 18:26
The Early Years Gizeh, Egypt 1903;  2008 Ballad of the Salt Sea, The Hidden Island 1913/1915; Moorea, French Polinesia 1999 Ballad of the Salt Sea, The Hidden Island 1913/1915; Palawa, Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2005 Ballad of the Salt Sea, The Hidden Island...

The Land of the Long White Cloud

21/12/2012 14:24
Is Ao Tea Roa, or New Zealand. At bird's eye view and if weather is clear, is easy to understand why Maori give some names to the islands. The South Island is Te Waka or Aoraki, the canoe of Aoraki, chasing the North Island, Te Ika a Maui, the great fish of Maui. To the south, now called Stewart...

Maldives Paradise is Shorty

19/12/2012 11:25
In fact, at its highest point, does not exceed more than seven feet, while the average stays at five. So there is a good reason to worry about rising sea levels in a climate change scenario. Moreover, recalling the aftermath of the tsunami of December 26, 2004. Its three hundred fifty thousand...

Tunis The Fatimid Masters

13/12/2012 17:39
Qairuán has an affordable medina. Not too big and remarkably relaxed. Carpets hang on the whitewashed walls and marquetry decorates windows under a clear blue sky. Traders sit patiently in the shade, on the streets, waiting for a customer in front of their business. Near Bab Tunis, Tunisia Door, at...

Cadiz Up with La Pepa

05/12/2012 17:04
Fernando VII, por la Gracia de Dios y la Constitución de la Monarquía española, Rey de las Españas, y en su ausencia y cautividad la Regencia del Reyno nombrada por las Cortes generales y extraordinarias, á todos los que las presentes vieren y entendieren, sabed: Que las mismas Cortes han decretado...

Venice or the Theory of the Labyrinth

04/12/2012 20:20
Λαβύρινθος, Labýrinzos: in ancient Greek means something like the place of the double blade axe. In times of the Minoan civilization Labros axe symbolized the city of Knossos and by extension Pasiphae son’s myth, the Minotaur, the famous dweller of the Cretan palace maze. And etymological origin...

Two days (and nights) in San Francisco

27/11/2012 19:44
It’s Parisian. Very Parisian. The square is so much that could be unabashedly compared with place du Marche de Sante Catherine in the heart of the Marais or the Latin Quarter Contrescarpe of the French capital. Arguments not lacking. At one of its side rises the Hotel de Francia y Paris, that's the...
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